Friday, January 7, 2011

January 7, 2011

We have been busy since the last post.

January 5
We visited the 2004 Olympic Complex. While there we saw the Olympic Stadium, basketball arena, tennis courts, and practice track. We were able to run on the practice track and also hit tennis balls on the Olympic tennis court.

We then headed to Marathon where we ate lunch and went to a beach on the Aegean Sea. A few of the students waded in the sea and a few others actually dove in. On the way back from Marathon, most of the students went to a soccer game at the Olympic Stadium.

January 6

We walked to the 1896 Olympic Stadium, where the students climbed to the top to have their picture taken under the Olympic Rings, walked in the tunnel where the athletes entered from the locker rooms and just had a good time walking around. After that the students were free to see what they wanted. Many visited the Temple of Zeus, Constitution Square, the National Gardens, or went shopping. That night we went to the Dionysius Restaurant, we had wonderful Greek food while looking at the Parthenon, which is lit up at night.

January 7

We were able to sleep in an hour later today and then headed to Nafplion, which is a town on the Aegean Sea. The students walked up 1, 098 steps to an Venetian fortress from the 1500's. They then went to the beach, where again some students swam in the sea. Tonight ended with a walking tour of Nafplion.

Tomorrow we are off to Nemea, our first stop in visiting the ancient sites of athletic contests.

1 comment:

Nanny said...

Julia's grandparents say hi and truly wish we were with you. Excited for you to see Rome. Look forward to all of the stories. Love, Nanny & Pop